the project objectives

The Land Of Future project is the focal point of the APF Foundation’s activities. It’s born mainly from the desire to provide support to local communities, belonging to the territory of Belice. And it does so by focusing on territorial enhancement and growth of opportunities for younger people.
The greater resources and the major attention will be invested in three focus:
The Foundation’s purpose is to do that through these actions:
- to raise the residents’ awareness about a greater protection and enhancement of the land.
- to promote workshop and educational labs for a greater awareness of the refuse’s life cycle.
- to support the local community for the development of talents, both in professional and in scholastic area; to promote the creation of new entrepreneurial initiatives in the land.
patronages and collaborations
Our travel companions for the Land Of Future project.
Legambiente Sicilia
It has always close to his heart the young citizens, because thanks to education and training the generations will be able to take up the challenge of a cleaner and more right future.
Museo A come Ambiente
The MAcA Museum in Turin is an observation point on the world to discover how we interact with the environment and how we can preserve it.
Grotte di Santa Ninfa
The Grotta di Santa Ninfa’s Natural Reserve was established for the safeguard and the enhancement of a remarkable geological and landscape interest area.
Municipality of Santa Ninfa
The city management has immediately showed a big support to the activities proposed and planned by the Foundation, actively contributing to their full success. It is a very interesting example of a virtuous collaboration. An example of virtuous collaboration.